Good place to find any gadget, they have special price for many items. They will help you to pack yours, it's helpful... if you carry it by motorbike. Good service, lower priceread more
Toko komputer yg sdh berdiri sejak lama tahun 1988 di Semarang msh eksis smpe skrg.. tetap langganan disini, pelayanan... ramah dan profesional barang diantar gratis asal msh dalam satu kota.. disini jual PC Dekstop, PC AiO, PC Rakitan, Server, Laptop, Storage, UPS, Printer, Scanner, Mesin absensi, barcode scanner, CCTV dan masih banyak lagi... tempat tunggu juga nyaman.. maju terus Hitech Computer 🙂read more
Toko komputer terbaik di Semarang.. disini jual UPS Prolink dengan harga murah sudah gitu dikirim gratis sampai rumah... asal sama2 masih di kota semarang.. salesnya Mas Muklis ramah bgt, akrab dgn konsumen.. kalau mau order disini bisa sama mas muklis saya kasih wa nya di nomor 081547493334... maju terus HITECH COMPUTER 🙂read more
Toko komputer terbaik di Kota Semarang.. pelayanan ramah dan profesional kayak teman sendiri salesnya sangat akrab..... tempat tunggu nyaman dan sejuk.. komplit bisa pesan PC Desktop, PC All in One, Laptop, Printer, UPS, Scanner, Projector, CCTV dll.. dan kalau klaim garansi dibantu ga perlu repot2 ke service center.. pokoknya saya bakalan langganan disini terus deh.. tingkatkan pelayananmu Hitech.. ???read more
Sangat puas dengan pelayanan di Hitech Computer ?? Toko komputer di semarang yg jual berbagai macam barang IT mulai... dari yg termurah sampai termahal dan penjual menjamin dibantu klaim garansi selama masih ada masa garansi jd ga perlu repot2 ke service center.. disini jual PC desktop, all in one, laptop, server, nas, cctv, printer dll kantor saya sdh langganan lama disini.. sukses selalu Hitech ?☺read more
Well i found it randomly at google because i was need vga cable, and its ady 7.45, at google its said that it will... close soon (at 8). Then i immediately call them. And ask if they have what i need, and yes they got it! The service is nice because i asked them not to close their shop yet, and they agreed and waited for me. Cheap price, small place, nice more
I went here for a repair for my MacBook. They are good at it! The staff are always friendly. Always providing a true... and honest information. Even sometimes providing a good solution. They sell apple products as well. Including chargers and other accessories. The shop is located at a busy street (kampung Kali) so always be careful to drive around here. They sell other gadgets products including the accessories as well from many different more
Setiap beli keperluan kompiter disini pasti harus nunggu lama untuk ngambil barangnya, bisa sampe 1 jam. Tapi bagusnya... pegawainya paham tentang hal hal komputer yg bagusread more
Software yang diisikan ke laptop bukan versi resmi. Aplikasi aplikasi yang di instal juga versi gratis + kadaluwarsa.... Mestinya sekelas IT Talk bermodal dikit untuk memberikan service terbaik buat para pelanggannya. Semoga kritik ini membangunread more
Actually this is new store in semarang, but i have knew it when in jogja, and this store is famous as well in jogja, ... the store is nice, we can see and try the display.. There's blibli in store facilities, interesting insurance promo, and the staf is very helpful and more