🛒 7 Toko Hp di Bandung Terdekat + Review Jujur Pembeli

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Berikut adalah 7 Toko Hp di Bandung yang bisa Anda kunjungi lengkap dengan review jujur dari para pembeli.

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1. Gudang HP

  • Alamat: Jl. Raya Cijerah, Cibuntu, Kec. Bandung Kulon, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40213
  • No Telp:
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  • Website:

Berikut ini adalah review untuk Gudang Hp di daerah Bandung:

Gudang HP
Based on 35 reviews
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Tina nursyifa
Tina nursyifa
02:35 23 Apr 20
gan, bisa kredit hp gak ?
Kaka Fikih
Kaka Fikih
12:39 22 Apr 20
Saya beli tablet disini lumayan murah, di konter lain tablet Advan i Lite RP: 950.000, Disini harganya cuman RP:850.000... . Recommended buat kalian yang pengen usaha jual beli hp, Ataupun buat pemakaian sendiri. Tempatnya sederhana harganya luar biasa murah. Bener gudang hp!read more
Maung Lodaya
Maung Lodaya
08:11 17 Apr 20
Nice place
Nabil Alfiansyah
Nabil Alfiansyah
05:03 19 Mar 20
Paling harg nya berpa
JunoLuckys .
JunoLuckys .
10:41 19 Nov 18
Perfect place for buy some phone i love it
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2. Atlantic Cell

  • Alamat: Istana BEC Lantai LG Unit F01-02, Jl. Purnawarman No. 5-17, Babakan Ciamis, Sumur Bandung, Babakan Ciamis, Kec. Sumur Bandung, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40117
  • No Telp: (022) 4222626
  • Jam Buka 10.00–21.00

Berikut ini adalah review untuk Atlantic Cell di daerah Bandung:

Atlantic Cell
Based on 239 reviews
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Sintia Rosanti
Sintia Rosanti
09:57 05 Mar 20
I won't come here anymore. Really hate all the sales here!
Glenn Eddy
Glenn Eddy
14:08 29 Feb 20
One of the best place to buy cellphones
Zakiy Zack
Zakiy Zack
08:18 28 Feb 20
Cheap price but you need to be careful with their sales. I suggest you to prepare, check, and keep insisted to which... phone you wanna buy before coming to this store, or their sales will keep seduce you to buy the other phone with their stupid reasons.read more
Asep Setiawan
Asep Setiawan
03:10 26 Jun 19
00:20 23 Feb 17
I remember buying my Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 tablet in this store few years ago, here's my experience:The store was crowded... by customers, this caused the store representatives not servicing others, sometime, when the store is not crowded, they sometimes ignore servicing customers - and they're busy serving other people, running back and forth finding the proper gadget. After that, finally the lady began servicing us.The price selection for gadgets here are really affordable - I bought that tablet for Rp3,500,000 ($350). At that time, other stores were selling it for Rp4,125,000 ($412.50). So I take the 16GB version of the tablet, plus some screen protector and an 8GB microSD card to go along with it. They helped us setting and configuring the tablet up, we gave them the money, we get the tablet, it's done.In conclusion, the prices in the store was affordable, with some bonus included. But the thumbs down are is that they are too busy serving other people caused them to ignore other long waited customers. Although, they did a good job.read more
Ariq Anhasdio
Ariq Anhasdio
15:57 31 Dec 15
It's such a good gadget's store with friendly sales and cheaper than other store.
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3. Jual beli handphone wilayah Bandung – cimahi

Berikut ini adalah review untuk Jual beli handphone wilayah Bandung – cimahi di daerah Bandung:

Irwan Mulawarman
Irwan Mulawarman
01:41 16 Apr 20
D situ bisa jual hp bekas lama gak
Irfan Maulana
Irfan Maulana
15:58 03 Feb 20
10:38 29 Jan 20
Tempat ini bagus untuk jual beli hp
agus wali
agus wali
08:10 14 Jan 20
basecamp tu7uh
basecamp tu7uh
13:56 12 Nov 19
Sok belian
Lucky windi
Lucky windi
20:14 16 May 19
Aku jauh2 dari babakan tarogong utk menjual hp yg baru beli, pemakaianpun masih satu hari, tp harga jual meni kekeuh... tdk bisa naik lg.read more
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4. Butik Dukomsel

  • Alamat: Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No.52, Citarum, Kec. Bandung Wetan, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40115
  • No Telp: (022) 4237123
  • Jam Buka 10.00–18.00
  • Website: https://www.butikdukomsel.com/

Berikut ini adalah review untuk Butik Dukomsel di daerah Bandung:

Butik Dukomsel
Based on 3009 reviews
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Febri Rudiansyah
Febri Rudiansyah
04:17 07 Sep 20
maramis bowden
maramis bowden
15:51 20 Aug 20
Good place
Herry Mulya
Herry Mulya
14:18 04 Aug 20
All you need are available here.
Dicky Wijaya
Dicky Wijaya
08:26 31 Jul 20
Open booth parking area Dukomsel
Firdaus Imam
Firdaus Imam
13:15 21 Jul 20
Recomended !!
R. Romy Setiabudi
R. Romy Setiabudi
10:23 13 Jun 20
Not Bad ..
Carissa W. A
Carissa W. A
18:13 25 May 20
Glenn Byan Vandyka
Glenn Byan Vandyka
05:30 28 Feb 20
It has things that you'll need for ur gadgets or laptop, but not ALL things. Small number of parking room, yet I'll... skip this and go to BEC instead.read more
Dany Hadianto
Dany Hadianto
09:13 18 Dec 19
Good place to buy handphone and accesories
Lanny Hardhy
Lanny Hardhy
11:45 12 Oct 19
the best shop to find a complete range of handphones, laptops, and their accessories. great service and after sales... services.read more
Hikmat Gumilar
Hikmat Gumilar
22:13 03 Jun 19
One stop shopping to buy mobile phones. All prices are official price. Buy here to give a peace of mind and window... shopping first if you have not made up your mind.read more
Mfajar mauludi
Mfajar mauludi
20:53 30 Jan 18
Great place for buy electronic and gadget . Audio visual tools .. there's a cafe on first floor but becarefull it's... over price . Find your Sony's brand here instead of BEC ..read more
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5. Kredit Handphone Bandung Termurah

  • Alamat: Jl. Purnawarman No. 13-15 Istana Bandung Electronic Centre Lt. UG, Babakan Ciamis, Sumurbandung, Bandung City, West Java 40117
  • No Telp: 0822-1700-7659

Berikut ini adalah review untuk Kredit Handphone Bandung Termurah di daerah Bandung:

Kredit Handphone Bandung Termurah
Based on 23 reviews
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Anggiaarifa Huda
Anggiaarifa Huda
12:54 15 Mar 18
Beli hp di #felixindo bec tuh gaakan nyesel , banyak promo nya terus ramah ramah promotor sama fl nya juga pokonya... gaakan nyesel deh , saya udah beli 3 kali disitu apalagi home credit nya cepet banget banyak promo lagi dari hci nya ???read more
Achmad Fajar
Achmad Fajar
12:13 15 Mar 18
The only place that you can buy a brand new smartphone with lowest price ever, best hospitality, and fast... responseRecommended it ?read more
Shreya & MomPap
Shreya & MomPap
11:33 15 Mar 18
Samsung mobile plaza gooood ?
11:22 15 Mar 18
boan suffering
boan suffering
11:20 15 Mar 18
Good service
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6. Sentra Ponsel ITC

  • Alamat:  ITC Kebon Kalapa Lt.2 Blok C2 No.4, Jalan Moch.Toha No.2, Bandung, Pungkur, Kec. Regol, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40252
  • No Telp: (022) 5234599
  • Website: https://www.sentraponsel.com/

Berikut ini adalah review untuk Sentra Ponsel ITC di daerah Bandung:

Sentra Ponsel
Based on 73 reviews
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Aromanis Warna
Aromanis Warna
01:22 05 Sep 20
Saya benar- benar kecewa bnget niat kredit malah ketipu,,padahal dp udah d tf janjinya Paling lama 1,5 jam sampai... sekarang Alhamdulillah ga ada .Dasar tukang tipu gak mikirin orang lain...Nyari rezeki Thu yang berkah bos,,...read more
A Google User
A Google User
07:07 15 Mar 20
bambang halilintar
bambang halilintar
16:13 09 Mar 20
melihat barang elektronik
A Google User
A Google User
14:10 10 Oct 19
Jalan nya mudah di hapal
A Google User
A Google User
20:52 13 Aug 19
Saya juga ketipu beli iphone ditokopedia tpi melalui pribadi.saya sudah tranfer ternyata barangmya gak ada,tolong... infonya apa ada yg bernama Mulini Bank BRi,tolong infonya terima kasihread more
A Google User
A Google User
14:34 16 Jan 19
Lokasi nya gak jauh dari pusat kota Alun alun Bandung nih...tempat nya juga luas dan strategis...bagi yang suka... berbelanja boleh juga dijadikan salah satu destinasi tujuan untuk belanja lah...read more
A Google User
A Google User
13:55 21 Jun 18
Jangan percaya toko ini sya beli online ketipu 1,6 juta fix tolong lapor kan pelaku biar bisa di penjara semoga para... korban hak bertambah inget karma nya ajaread more
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7. Kredit HP Bandung ID

Berikut ini adalah review untuk Kredit HP Bandung ID di daerah Bandung:

Kredit HP Bandung ID
Based on 3 reviews
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Cici Junianty
Cici Junianty
05:12 01 Sep 19
Terimakasih sudah membantu saya.
Beben Gamers
Beben Gamers
07:30 26 Jul 19
hp semua ori ga kecewa belanja disini ,bisa jadi reseler
IQ Tinggi
IQ Tinggi
06:00 04 May 19
Pelayanan sesuai dan ramah.
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Semoga artikel 7 Toko Hp di Bandung cukup membantu Anda ya!.

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