You can find any fabric here, but lil bit expensive. If you buy a lot of more, they can give you discount ??. When you... shopping or in queue they give you unlimited candyread more
Much fabric sell in here very complete fabrics and make you headache for choosing ? the price is good not expensive... from each other the price is friendly mostly cheap..this shop have 2 floor make tired cause not have many fabric in here and make the acces so narrow the crew is much there make a uniform the color is red u can call him for help your fabric you want..after you choose fabric the crew going with you to the cashier for confirm after you pay the crew give yours fabric is a litle procedure in niagara..happy more
The best place to get the textile or fashion material there. It has a various of textile. One of the biggest and the... most complete textile store in Jogja so far. They also have great price compare with another store here. However, the store usually crowded and busy. I recommend that coming in the early morning (around 8am) is good decision to get the better service. They has three shops in Jogja. First, jl. Kusumanegara. Second is in the traditional market, beringharjo, Malioboro. The third is in jl. Godean. Recommended! ???read more
The shop looks small from the outside, but wait until you get inside. The service is pretty good and the price is much... cheaper compared to other shop competitors around more
Wowwwa A really good place to find any type of fabric that u looking for. From cotton to embriodery, any color, any... type of fabric that u more
The best fabric shop in town. You must be satisfied with the services and you won't be regret for buying fabric here..... Just come here and choose the lovely fabrics for the special occasions.. I comes here often for my special moments outfit as the fabric has the best quality and more
Jam buka sangat panjang, yang lain sudah pada tutup, toko ini masih buka. Tersedia berbagai warna dan merk cat. Ada juga segala perlengkapan cat. Lengkap untuk keperluan cat.
Very easy to get here. Quite complete bike store. The staff are friendly. Put your eye on the ceiling also, they have... some good product out there. I found a rare mountain bike with affordable price here. United product, old fashion, and classic. The price more
Its a heaven for people who love crafting. The price is great, haven't found somewhere cheaper in the area. Beware of... the queue up, it takes so long you'll wait till more
Any kind of various materials, plastic, fabric, cotton, canvas, foam etc. The price actually standard compared with... Tanah Abang or online shop. But for Jogja city, this place is own it's crown. No other stores has variety as complete as Liman. The access is good if you came here by motor, but like a hell if you came with car. You should find other parking area which is insist you to walk a more
Parissa Textile, toko bahan pakaianLumayan lengkap koleksi textile nya di tempat ini.Bila bingung, bisa dibantu... layani oleh asistent toko untuk perpaduan / pilihan bahan baju yang dicariread more
Pelayanannya terbaik!!! Harga murah!!! Bakalan jadi tempat tujuan kalo cari kain. Recommended banget pokoknya!!! Nggak... akan nyesel dateng ke parissaread more
Salah satu tempat jual kain ter murah dari banyaknya toko yg ada d situ, seneng aja gitu kalo belanja kain d parissa,... pelayanan nya oke banget, mbak sama mas nya ramah ramah ?? , kalian yg mau beli kain d Jogja, kudu wajib bngt beli d sini, d jamin harganya jauh beda banget lebih murceeee, coba aja dehhh ??????read more
Toko kain langganan. Kain disini lumayan lengkap dan harganya sangat terjangkau. Untuk bahan Jass, Silk dan brokatnya... sangat lengkap. Walau tokonya kecil tapi barang yang dijual disini kualitas bagus. Tempatnya paling ujung di deretan sebelah kiri jalan. Pelayanan karyawannya cepat, ramah dan pokoknya mantul. Pokoknya sangat rekomendasi deh untuk belanja banyak maupun dikit disini. Ruang tunggu lumayanlah, toko kain yang besar pun tempat tunggunya juga segitu. Terima more
Sering kesini. Dikasih minuman dingin. Yg punya juga ramah, karyawannya jg, lebih murah daripada toko kain yg lain.... Cuma sayangnya kurang luas ya ?read more
Various design and model of Batik fabric. The staff was helpful and gladly to answer your questionThe price is rather... cheap than other. The fabric quality also good enough.Just check their social media account, but ask first if the stoco still ready or notread more
Tempatnya beli kain batik, bisa ukuran roll. Disini juga bisa pesen desain batik custom sesuai keinginan kita misalnya... untuk keperluan seragam instansi atau keperluan more
Pelayanannya sangat menjijikkan. Heran sama yang punya nih toko kok bisa merekrut pelayan toko yang kayak gitu, udah... nggak mau meladeni pelanggan, pelayannya cuman tidur2 an dan main hp. Pelayannya emak2 2 orang siang tadi. Sayang banget kainnya padahal murah2 dan kualitas bagus tapi pelayannya ga lebih baik dari patung McD yang diem aja di more