One of the best shop in the city to buy a gadget or computer parts, the service was top notch, they provide free drinks... at the service centre, the place was quite comfortable when you have to queue, and their customer service was quite fast. While the collections are not so extensive, you could find what you need here with reasonable more
Came here to bought some LAN cable. The place is quite big, consists of two floors. Seems the upper floor is for... repairing service. At a glance, items and service looks not to pricey, at least if we compared to other all-in-one store in Purwokerto. One major advantage, it's strategic more
Good place, what you need to build your own pc computer are available. Also selling second hand spare parts for... personal computer. Best price, laptop also available here, but after sales is not their strength more
Layanan service ramah dan informasi kerusakan disampaikan pada konsumen...Terdapat service printer, laptop, lcd, cpu,... dan hardware lainnya...Mulai dari layanan instal, isi tinta printer, kerusakan laptop mati total, ganti sparepart dan upgrade hardware dilayani dengan cukup cepat...Dtoko ini melayani jual beli, terutama jualbeli second...Service kerusakan ringan bisa dtunggu,Pelayanan ramah dan user friendlyread more
Pelayanannya ramah, harga murah, saya malah dapat hadiah.. Terima kasih Dunia Komputer.. The best place buat servis... laptop dan komputer di Purwokerto.. ???read more
The Purwokerto's electronic store that offer you a lot kind of tools that you need. From house tool to your home... entertainment. This store often make bazar event, so you can buy your needs cheaper than more
pelayanan ramah. user/klien oriented pokoknya. harga juga bersaing. cari part... komputer/laptop/service/konsultasi..kesini aja.. joss pokoknya..!!read more
Tempatnya yg strategis, juga menyediakan banyak laptop 2nd yang berkualitas dan juga harga sesuai, apalagi pilihan... untuk pc, rekomen bgt nih?read more
Laptop banyak pilihan berbagai merk dan spesifikasi, seler recomended untuk pembeli awam yg belum paham tentang... spesifikasi laptop di jelaskan dengan sabar dan detail. Thanks atas pelayanan super ramahnyaread more
Bagi kamu yang sedang "Hunting" segala perlengkapan PC ataupun Laptop, toko ini bisa di jadikan acuan, so.. Tinggal... datang dan tanyakan langsung kebutuhan kamu disana, atau bisa juga sembari chat WA, dan pastinya untuk soal harga, bersaing dan juga bersahabat. PS: "Pengalaman lebih terbukti dari pada teori", jadi ini bukan iklan, melainkan tulisan ini merupakan pengalaman pribadi. HTHread more
Alamat: Jalan Jenderal Sudirman No.864, Purwokerto Wetan, Purwokerto Timur, Pertabatan, Purwokerto Kidul, Kec. Purwokerto Sel., Kabupaten Banyumas, Jawa Tengah 53147
No Telp: (0281) 624907
Buka Jam 09.00–18.00
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