🛒 9 Toko HP di Jogja Terdekat + Review Jujur Pembeli

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Berikut adalah 9 Toko HP di Jogja yang bisa Anda kunjungi lengkap dengan review jujur dari para pembeli.

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1. Prima Abadi Pusat Kredit HP Jogja

  • Alamat: Jalan Gejayan, Sebelah Pasar No.12, Demangan, Kec. Gondokusuman, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55221
  • No Telp: 0838-9109-0999
  • Jam Buka 11.00–20.00
  • Website: https://primaabd.business.site/

Berikut ini adalah review untuk Prima Abadi Pusat Kredit HP Jogja di daerah jogja:

Prima Abadi Pusat Kredit HP Yg Bersahabat
Based on 3564 reviews
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Yudha T
Yudha T
07:54 06 Jul 20
Fast Respond ??
Ratih Dewanti
Ratih Dewanti
06:39 15 Sep 19
Great services. Thank you for the superrrr great hospitality.
Eric Pieter Soemampouw
Eric Pieter Soemampouw
01:47 13 Sep 18
Good price good service nice people...
Hadiwijaya Sasanadi
Hadiwijaya Sasanadi
09:11 29 Aug 17
If you're looking for a trusted and friendly Gadget store in Yogyakarta, look no further. Excellent services provided.... They also have payment installment. Informative, helpful and commited to customer satisfaction. You can choose among many brands available. Authorized reseller from various renowned mobile phone brands. They also have separate division for office supplies and stationary. Highly recommended!read more
Joegianto Joegianto
Joegianto Joegianto
08:12 22 Jul 17
If you look for a Trustable smartphone seller with reliable sales person, here is the place you should go to. ????
See All Reviews


  • Alamat: Jl. Mozes Gatotkaca No.60, Mrican, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281
  • No Telp: 0899-4109-251
  • Jam Buka 01.00–21.00
  • Website: https://www.instagram.com/primephoneyk/

Berikut ini adalah review untuk PRIME PHONE di daerah jogja:

auth xiaomianang
auth xiaomianang
09:33 14 Sep 20
Murah berkualitas, baru dan second harga miring, buat langganan oke
Kiem Shoope
Kiem Shoope
10:19 06 Sep 20
jualan hp disini ga jauh2 bgt dari pasaran mantap
M3 Nic
M3 Nic
13:26 31 Aug 20
Barangny lumayan komplit dan harga relatif, tp jual hp seken dsni susah klo engga like new..
ALvaro Edo
ALvaro Edo
04:03 11 Aug 20
Hp ne murah-murah dan berkualitas saya 3 kali beli di siniCm pelayanan nya kurang baik soalnya sering di tinggal... ngegameread more
Lia Putri
Lia Putri
00:17 07 Jul 20
Mantap, pelayanan oke, bila ada yg lagi butuh dana cepat disini bisa, karena bisa lsg transaksi dirumah penjual
Johan New
Johan New
14:38 28 Jun 20
Beli disini murah murah barang bagus dan bergaransi
Felix Target
Felix Target
01:13 22 Jun 20
Titip sandal dulu, disini murah gaes
Elvian Panji
Elvian Panji
10:20 03 Aug 19
Tersedia banyak konter di tempat tersebut, kalian bisa beli beragam hp yang dijual di tempat tersebut mulai dari si... saudara Vivo dan Oppo, si muraj yg mulai tergeser yaitu Xiaomi, si korea yang ga mau kalah dalam peperangan ponsel Global yaitu si Samsung, dan Apple dengan nama besarnya terutama SoC A12 Bionic yang KUENCENG ABIZZZ juha ada di situ, ah iya hape legendaris dari Nokia juga ada kok.Mantul betulread more
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3. Wellcomm Shop

  • Alamat: Ambarukmo Plaza Lt. 2 Unit A-24, Jl. Laksda Adisucipto, Caturtunggal, Depok, Ambarukmo, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281
  • No Telp: (0274) 4331336
  • Jam Buka 10.00–22.00
  • Website: http://www.wellcommshop.com/

Berikut ini adalah review untuk Wellcomm Shop di daerah jogja:

Wellcomm Shop Ambarukmo Plaza
Based on 247 reviews
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Puspita Piter
Puspita Piter
12:41 25 Feb 20
Jason Frecury
Jason Frecury
14:40 11 Jan 19
Good product
agus wibowo
agus wibowo
06:39 22 Sep 18
Good servise,sippp
Vero Nica
Vero Nica
09:28 08 Sep 18
Good service & quality,tq
See All Reviews


Berikut ini adalah review untuk RUMAH PHONE SERVICE di daerah jogja:

Kei Kei
Kei Kei
10:08 13 Jan 20
Drayen Barsh
Drayen Barsh
18:41 02 Sep 19
Service hp gan
Fitra Djayadi
Fitra Djayadi
08:02 21 Jun 19
Foot steps
yunius trijaya setiawan
yunius trijaya setiawan
07:46 16 Jun 19
high recommended ?
rizkiaan 25
rizkiaan 25
07:09 06 May 19
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5. Toko Smartphone

Berikut ini adalah review untuk Toko Smartphone di daerah jogja:

Toko Smartphone
Based on 4 reviews
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Romi Arif Rianto
Romi Arif Rianto
23:00 23 Feb 20
Nurul Laila
Nurul Laila
08:59 22 Oct 19
Anug Heni
Anug Heni
06:02 08 Jun 19
Budi Tomo
Budi Tomo
01:11 04 Nov 18
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6. Jogjatronik Mall

  • Alamat: Jogjatronik, Prawirodirjan, Kec. Gondomanan, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
  • No Telp: (0274) 419885
  • Jam Buka 10.00–21.00
  • Website: http://www.jogjatronik.com/

Berikut ini adalah review untuk Jogjatronik Mall di daerah jogja:

Jogjatronik Mall
Based on 15236 reviews
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Nur Fadhilah Ramadhani Ridwan
Nur Fadhilah Ramadhani Ridwan
05:13 07 Sep 20
Very recommended place for ur IT stuffs.
ruslina triastuti
ruslina triastuti
08:23 04 Sep 20
We can find the gadget we need to buy here. The stores there affer good price. They are affordable I think.
Danny Ceri
Danny Ceri
07:30 12 Jul 20
Great place for buying phones and computers as well as their accessories!
Jusan Jauhari
Jusan Jauhari
09:31 24 Jun 20
One stop shoping for gadget
mutiara ayu
mutiara ayu
11:56 10 Mar 20
the best one stop shopping gadget center in town! it has nice karaoke outlet too if you need to take a break from... confusing what to choose to buy your gadget collection ? recommended place bcs it's located in a city area, easy access, quite easy parking, good food court. lots of great offering from the merchant. it's hard to control my shopping passion here.read more
Theodore Adelarian
Theodore Adelarian
02:46 13 Feb 20
Jogjatronik Mall for me is a mall where you can find anything that has to do with phone, laptop, and various electronic... devices and their accessories. From phone case to cooling pad, all sorts of electronic devices can be found here. The price is prettt cheap as well, which is why it's popular among college students.read more
Janatarum Sri Handono
Janatarum Sri Handono
12:54 28 Jan 20
If you are looking for gadgets and computers or laptop, this is the place to be. With a lot of vendors inside, you... would have a lot of options with different prices. From one vendor to another might have one hundred thousands Indonesian rupiah to two hundred thousand Indonesian rupiah. It is best you already look for the thing you want to buy online, like brands and make, even colour because once you are inside, there would a lot of options. If you haven't looked online you can ask for help to pick the right stuff. Here you can also find authorized dealers of some brands.Some vendor also have a service to fix you stuff like laptop etc. If the parts is available you can just wait for around 15 minutesBased on my experience I also stumble upon a price difference for my phone. I ask for the price in one of the vendor and compare it online it has a five hundred thousand Indonesian rupiah difference.Also you can get camera here.ATM machine is provided, and several food vendors is available.read more
Next Reviews

7. Sumarah ACC HP

  • Alamat: Jl. Poncowinatan No.12A, Cokrodiningratan, Kec. Jetis, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55233
  • No Telp: (0274) 485505
  • Jam Buka 10.00–21.00

Berikut ini adalah review untuk Sumarah ACC HP di daerah jogja:

Sumarah ACC HP
Based on 65 reviews
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Angger Zalota
Angger Zalota
10:41 26 Jan 20
Sepi pas sy ksna
Ahmad  Safarudin
Ahmad Safarudin
09:16 22 Dec 19
Barang jelekHarga mahalTak bergaransi
bhangkit cahya
bhangkit cahya
01:13 01 Nov 19
Dominico Fabiyan
Dominico Fabiyan
12:08 17 May 19
Pelayanan luar biasa. Minta tolong rapikan temperred glass bukan darisana tidak mau diberikan biaya alias gratis.
Hanif Setyadi
Hanif Setyadi
09:49 23 Feb 19
04:55 29 Jul 17
Belanja di sumarah aksesoris dan dapatkan diskonnya
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8. Global Teleshop Superstore Yogyakarta

  • Alamat: Jl. P. Mangkubumi No.12-A, Sosromenduran, Gedong Tengen, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55232
  • No Telp: (0274) 557478
  • Jam Buka 09.00–21.00

Berikut ini adalah review untuk Global Teleshop Superstore Yogyakarta di daerah jogja:

Global Teleshop Superstore Yogyakarta
Based on 63 reviews
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Susan Susanti
Susan Susanti
00:19 28 Oct 19
Service and price was great.i love it
sappu bithing
sappu bithing
21:17 12 Aug 19
android pertamaku beli disini 2011, pelayanan mbaknya memuaskan smpe transaksi berakhir. waktu itu bener2 gak tau soal... android, dijelasin semua yg aku tanyain. Thanks Global Teleshop.REKOMENDED ??????read more
Sansan Sukiswo
Sansan Sukiswo
00:39 16 Mar 19
Saya ketipu 1,4 mengatas namakan gts ini
Estha Lulabee
Estha Lulabee
01:54 18 May 18
03:15 22 Oct 17
For service Center, it is bit a disappointment
yanuar putranto
yanuar putranto
07:11 20 Jul 17
Parkir gampang, tempat nyaman... pilihan HP nya banyak...
Next Reviews


  • Alamat: Ambarrukmo Plaza Lantai LG PMA 3 No. A28, Jalan Laksda Adisucipto, Catur Tunggal, Depok, Ambarukmo, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281
  • No Telp: (0274) 4331270
  • Jam Buka 10.00–22.00

Berikut ini adalah review untuk ERAFONE PLAZA AMBARUKMO di daerah jogja:

Based on 134 reviews
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Kukuh Irwandi
Kukuh Irwandi
08:04 11 May 19
albertus andrianto
albertus andrianto
02:35 08 Apr 19
Good place for buying your cellphone and gadget. Need to work on their sales representative about product knowledge
08:36 12 Mar 19
The place for buy some cellular phones and accessories (optional) with the original warranty
Sutandi Afandi
Sutandi Afandi
23:59 06 Mar 19
Crowd place but good services
Nuraksa Makodian
Nuraksa Makodian
13:47 10 Dec 18
Good place
See All Reviews

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