🛒 9 Toko Elektronik di Surabaya Terdekat + Review Jujur Pembeli
March 18, 2025
2 min read
Berikut adalah 9 Toko Elektronik di Surabaya yang bisa Anda kunjungi lengkap dengan review jujur dari para pembeli.
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1. Toko Chandra Electronic
Berikut ini adalah review untuk toko Chandra Electronic di daerah Surabaya:
Stefanus Teguh 01:02 08 Aug 18
By the look from outside, the place looks like it offers a wide range of electronic devices but when I got there, most... of the devices that are being sold are only display without any stocks left and also some of them looks out of date. Pity. read more Billy w.b 13:31 18 Jun 18
Good price... Electronic & Home appliances shop recommended Next Reviews
2. Toko Miami Elektronik
Alamat: Jl. Kertajaya No.230, Kertajaya, Kec. Gubeng, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60282 No Telp: (031) 5032151 Website: http://www.miamielektronik.com/ Buka Jam 09.30–21.00
Berikut ini adalah review untuk toko Miami Elektronik di daerah Bandung:
Raditzlawliet 07:20 17 Aug 20
The price little bit cheaper, but the some of shopkeeper are rude and even not encourge customer to buy.I suggest to... research what you will to buy and fix on that without annoying shopkeeper, then this place is good to buy more little cheap. read more Mikael Liauw 14:46 04 Feb 19
Product a little bit cheaper here.. but few shopkeepers aren't too joyful serving. yenny salim 00:36 16 Oct 18
Lots of choices with excellence service and reasonable price... Very recommended Aestikani Mahani 09:15 02 Feb 18
Helpful and nice store assistant. But the items not so complete though Aldi Vincent 03:18 26 May 17
Cheapest compared to other, has better service Next Reviews
3. Toko UFO Elektronika
Alamat: Anchor Graha Family, Blok E-8, Pradahkalikendal, Kec. Dukuhpakis, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60227 No Telp: (031) 7380115 Website: https://ufoelektronika.com/ Buka Jam 09.00–21.00
Berikut ini adalah review untuk toko UFO Elektronika di daerah Bandung:
Andy S 06:30 01 Aug 18
electronic productgood priceinside of graha family/loop area Velicia K. Halim 02:57 23 Aug 17
You can try go to this place if you want to buy some electronics stuff. It's quiet complete See All Reviews
4. Toko Prima Elektronik
Berikut ini adalah review untuk toko Prima Elektronik di daerah Bandung:
Rahmad Nw 10:30 15 Sep 20
Parkiran terlalu menanjak, dan stock barang bnyk yg kosong Arianto Bayu Asih 14:47 09 Sep 20
Terima kasih untuk mas risky,...sangat membantu sekali Aril wenedi 13:16 29 Jun 20
Tokonya gede.Barang lumayan lengkap.Servicenya oke.Beberapa barang mungkin lebih murah dari tempat yang lain. M.T Rahman 01:38 31 May 20
Lokasi toko strategis, dekat pusat kota.Tempat parkir juga oke. Pelayanan cukup ramah. Ketersediaan barang lumayan... komplit. Masalah harga jadi pertimbangan tiap customer yg datang. ? read more andika tiar 20:59 14 Mar 20
Murah poll disini, sudah laangganan mulai thn 2019 awal sampe skrg. Mulai beli mesin cucu, kulkas, tv Cashback Man 12:47 16 Apr 18
tempat belanja elektronik di tengah kotamau beli tv, ac, kulkas, mesin cuci, setrika, water heaterapa aja... adaTerletak di tengah kota, strategis, dan yang paling penting adalah bebas parkir read more Mini Child 15:31 03 Jan 18
This is quietly electronics shop. You can choose many kinds of thing. But here you can find a little variation. But I... am here singing karaoke for long time with my family cause too quiet. read more Victor Taran 09:40 10 Dec 17
Not very complete item but have good staff and price Next Reviews
5. Toko Psgame
Alamat: Tunjungan 5-7 gedung TEC(tunjungan elektronik center) lantai UG 115-116, Genteng, Kec. Genteng, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 70275 No Telp: 0822-2029-2929 Buka Jam 10.00–19.00
Berikut ini adalah review untuk toko Psgame di daerah Bandung:
Muhammad Ali Reza 11:26 28 Dec 19
Best place for gamer and also game console technician. You can buy any part of gaming console. Ilham Rafly 11:34 21 Jul 19
This place should've been closed. There's nothing you can find here. Except Playstation and Xbox CherryCC 11:34 31 Jan 19
Great place for your electronic needs. There's service center, game and music store, and many more. They also sell... spare parts to fix your electronic devices. read more See All Reviews
6. Toko Perdana Elektronik
Alamat: Jl. Raya Kertajaya Indah No.32, Manyar Sabrangan, Kec. Mulyorejo, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60116 No Telp: 0877-0295-9797 Buka Jam 10.30–21.00, 12.00–21.00
Berikut ini adalah review untuk toko Perdana Elektronik di daerah Bandung:
A Google User
08:21 17 Sep 20
great place for house hold ware such as electronics Irfan Gunawan 08:35 22 Aug 20
Good electronic store, really accomodating every electronic appliance that i need. Pleasant experience. blueberriz neko89 07:26 14 Mar 20
Not the best place to sightseeing.. but the best place for price and service,, sianty dewi 05:03 15 Dec 18
I use to bought our house appliances here coz the staff gave us reliable recommendations but this time they left me... clueless....so we defer... will do another check n survey before decide to buy anything read more dsign sby 09:56 13 Dec 18
The staff is not friendly, please make evaluation about your employee to understand work in services need good attitude. Herry Kurniawan 07:48 12 Apr 18
Not crowded.. But has a good price for certain items... Next Reviews
7. Toko Delta Elektronik
Alamat: Jl. Ngagel Jaya Selatan No.121B, Baratajaya, Kec. Gubeng, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60283 No Telp: (031) 5019595 Buka Jam 08.00–16.00
Berikut ini adalah review untuk toko Delta Elektronik di daerah Bandung:
otom ombos 17:15 18 Mar 18
Toko tempat jual perangkat komunikasi untuk kantor , hotel dan rumah tinggal yang terpercaya Next Reviews
8. Toko Hartono BG Junction
Alamat: Floor C 95-97 BG Junction, Jl. Bubutan No.1, Bubutan, Kec. Bubutan, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60174 No Telp: (031) 7321212 Website: https://myhartono.com/en/ Buka Jam 12.00–20.00
Berikut ini adalah review untuk toko Hartono BG Junction di daerah Bandung:
Ryo Hanzo 09:46 19 Sep 20
Nice place for buy electronic product Yekavlog 01:52 11 Aug 20
The best place for electronics stuffs Rahma Kartika 15:29 21 Mar 20
nice place to buy electronics and houseware Nursasongko 15:21 19 Feb 20
Cheap and good price for electric equipment Budi Santoso 12:28 29 Dec 19
the most complete electronic equipment shopping place, the price is quite cheap, fast service, the location is located... inside the BG Junction mall. read more Budy Wuysang 01:24 08 Dec 19
The only thing that stands out is the timezone like amusement & kids indoor playground. endah kirana 08:42 19 Aug 18
CGV BJ Junction...great place for getting good movies in Bubutan area Next Reviews
9. Toko Surya Agung Elektronik
Alamat: Raya, Jl. Raya Rungkut Tengah No.72, Rungkut Tengah, Kec. Gn. Anyar, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60293 No Telp: 09.00–21.00 Buka Jam (031) 8431647
Berikut ini adalah review untuk toko Surya Agung Elektronik di daerah Bandung:
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