Toko elektronik lengkap,, harga worth it. Pelayan sangat informatif. Sampai saya diajak ke gudang atas untuk cek barang... karena barang tidak ada di display... Terima kasih atas more
apakah anda menjual buzzer dan sensor pir dan kalau boleh tahu harganya berapa? alamat tokonya apa dan nomor telponnya... juga, tolong jawab ya?read more
Its a good place for buy electronic components near home. The components mostly complete. But the opening hours is to... short. Only 9am to 5pm. I prefer to buy at jl. Dewi sartika when time was in the more
Offer a lot of good quality electronic devices. Bought a laptop here and the staff is extremely helpful and nice.... Definitely a great place to visit if you need anything more
I have been to be a royal costumer for very long time in electronic city, so far all electronic i buy is very good and... i was satisfied with more
Depok elektronik...lokasinya mudah dijangkau dr kota depok...tempat parkirnyapun luas jd ga perlu khawatir bg kalian yg... ingin berkunjung/bermain kesana sambil mencari kebutuhan elekronik disana...namun memang bila dibandingkan dgn elektronik mall yg sekarang banyak bermunculan baik online maupun offline,tentunya masih kalah jauh baik dr kelengkapan itemnya maupun merk elektronik yg di perdagangkan...Namun itu semua kita kembalikan kembali kepada pemilik depok elektronik...mau dibawa kearah mana/konsep drpd depok elektronik itu apa???read more
Harga lumayan sih, jadi beli AC LG 2 dan mesin cuci electrolux 1. Beli hari minggu tgl 1 Desember, katanya hari rabu... 4/12 maksimal bakalan dipasang mesin cucinya sama orang electrolux. Tapi ga datang2, dan cek lah ke service center electrolux, ternyata belum didaftarkan. Pas telepon ke alfa juga sama pegawainya disuruh telpon sendiri. Kan konyolGa bagus sih pelayan purna jualnya kalo kayak gini. Mohon ditingkatkan yaread more
I can't try to test my ViewSonic projector in this place, but actually they have three units of computer. ... Customers... should be able to test their products before they buy more