Sangat memuaskan dari harga dan pelayanan berikut ragam barang yang dijual. Bisa berkomunikasi dengan baik untuk... menanyakan tentang barang pesanan dan bisa di kirim juga barangnya. Terimakasih toko sumber bangunanread more
Lamoza material serba ada praktis, pelayanan baik, yang kerjanya baik baik, buka tiap hari. siap melayani belanja malam... di bawah jam 00.000read more
Tempat matrial sebrang jalan dari kasir. Harga agak mahal. Tanya tanya masalah harga sama karyawannya....satupun ga... ada yg tahu berapa harganya. Semoga kedepan lebih baikread more
Custom warna banyak banget disini. Lengkap dan murah. Cari cet texture atau custom warna banyak juga disini. Harga pas... barang puas... Banyak pilihan toko dan harga untuk keperluan bangun dan renovasi rumah.. Toko bahan bangunan terlengkap dan termurah di kota Bandung. Lengkap perlengkapan rumah lampu-lampu, cat tembok. Strategis, dan banyak pilihan barang. Alamatnya di jalan Suniaraja No.85, Braga, Sumur Bandung, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40111. Mulai buka tokonya dari jam 09:00 sampai dengan jam more
Jam buka sangat panjang, yang lain sudah pada tutup, toko ini masih buka. Tersedia berbagai warna dan merk cat. Ada juga segala perlengkapan cat. Lengkap untuk keperluan cat.
Depo Bangunan is like Home Depot in the US. A one stop shopping for building materials with variety of products. I can... say Depo Bangunan is the best amongst similar shops I’ve more
The place id big and cozy enough, so we don't have to get crowded when we go around to pick things we'd buy. But I wish... there are more shop employee that stand in some spot of the store so we can quickly ask them if we need more
The place is big and seems has complete variety of housing stuff. One of the biggest one stop for housing needs. But... the price is actually slightly more expensive than similar big stores like ACE hardwares. A little bit disappointed because I thought this will be the cheapest place to buy housing stuff in Bandung since its so big and serve bulk orders, but apparently not the cheapest choice.Food court is convenient and has quite cheap price, comfortable and makes it easy to find food and drink taking a break from your shopping adventure more
Trying to find building materials but don't have time to survey every material shop around? Then this is your place.... You can find mostly everything for your building projects here. Tiles, wires, plumbing, paints, roofs to lamps and bells. Some items are cheap and some are more expensive than other shop. Prepare to wait in line at the cashier at rush hour, and worse at weekend. It usually took 1-3 days for them to send your goods to your location if you decide to use their delivery service. There are also rental courier you can call to take your goods home immediately. Ask security officer for the contacts. Don't forget to try the cafeteria foods, their pempek is quite more