This bike store has lot of various bicycles from many types and model, the price is very competitive, good services and... kind employees. Unfortunately they can't delivers bike outside Yogyakarta city more
Nice bicycle shop, well stocked. When I first came here they don't have 700c×38 tires for. my hybrid bike, but last... time I went here they have it. They stocked cheap to mid range full bike and bike parts. If your bike is not some elusive white whale, I bet they stocked parts for your bicycle. Their service and hospitality is also more
Bought an electric bike here. Amazing service. Amazing, amazing, hospitality from all the owners and employees.... Complete and honest information were given for the product. Added all that with fast process and cheaper price: OK!read more
the place is strategies, it can be found easily from high road. the collection is very complete and the price is very... friendly. the mbake and the mase in here is very friendly and very clever to explain the product. it has great service and great for shoping. boronggg more
Saya driver gojek..sering dulu dapat gosend dr toko karunia..sekiranya saya bisa jadi driver tetap pengantaran khusus... yang jauh2 boleh kabari saya..saya siap..dlu pernah dapat gosend Tokopedia dr karunia ke manisrenggo more
Ditempat Yg lain pada antri, disini agak selo.. harga juga mahal untuk part, sptnya disini dealer united, pasifik,... wim.. polygon kok ga nampak..yaread more
Ramai sekali. Untungnya para penjual dan tukang servisnya sabar2 dan ramah2. Untuk harga sebenarnya msh ada yg lebih... murah. Untuk produk terbatas, perlu ditambah. Display tertutup kardus dan plastik, jd susah lihat warnanyaread more
Lengkap Harga Bersahabat, kalou ada keluhan langsung konfirmasi aja sebelum keluar toko agar langsung tertangani, ada... di Tokopedia juga kalau mau liat dulu ?, semoga pelayanan lebih istimewaread more
Better go this place with a woman. The owner's reaction is bad with a man. I having a hard talk with the owner. But... when talk with a girl, he become smooth more
Went here to repair my children's bikes. The staffs are very friendly and helpful. The price was affordable. The... service itself was great. It sells various types of bikes too. A recommended place to shop or repair your bicycles!read more
Hati hati beli sepeda di esa jaya cabang gedongkuning....harga di naikkan sendiri oleh pegawainya mbak2, padahal di... gejayan dan pusat jalan ahmad dahlan harga lebih murah....dan beda jauh dan pembelian cuma pakai kertas orek2 tanpa di sertai nota cap Esa jaya...harga di naikkan sendiri oleh pegawainnya....2 mbak2 yang banyak curang dan tidak jujur, lbh baik beli di pusat ataugejayan atau tempat lainnya..untuk pihak management Esa Jaya tolong di perhatikan dan di pantau atas kecurangan dan ketidakjujuran pegawainya 2 mbak2read more
Meskipun sepedaku cuma entry level tp tetep ditanganin dg baik sama teknisinya, ga pelit ngasih saran..Jualan... sepedanya semua kelas menengah ke atas, kl biaya service masih more